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Advancing open science practices: How to deal with the unexpected in preregistered studies

Workshop by Bert Bakker, Associate Professor, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam

Info about event


Friday 20 January 2023,  at 10:15 - 12:00


Aarhus University, building 1341, room 315


Lene Aarøe, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

In this workshop Bert Bakker will talk about advancing open science practices focusing on preregistration. Bert Bakker will make the case that scientists need to “tell it like it is” and offer tools on how to do this focusing especially on studies where not everything goes as expected. The workshop will provide hands-on examples and advice how to preregister research and in particular discuss how to report analyses and results when the findings deviate from the pre-registration and in particular discuss how to report preregistered studies. The workshop is not limited to one particular methodology: experiments, surveys, secondary data and big data approaches will be covered. The workshop will also discuss the importance of transparently reporting and documenting data and materials. The workshop is targeted towards scholars who wish to broaden and deepen their knowledge about open science practices with particular focus on how to report preregistered studies and deal with the unexpected such as for example analyses that go beyond the pre-registered hypotheses or that deviate in other ways from the preregistration. 

Preliminary headlines from the program 

  • The case for “telling it like it is” and the importance of open science practices 
  • How to preregister secondary data, interviews, big data and surveys
  • I have preregistered my study: but how do I report this and how do I deviate
  • The case for Registered Reports and how to write them 

About Bert Bakker 
Bert Bakker is an Associate Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research at the University of Amsterdam and serves as an associate editor at the Journal of Experimental Political Science. Bakker is also a co-founder of the Hot Politics Lab at University of Amsterdam. In the past 5 years he has moved his research in a direction that it strives towards openness and transparency. Bert Bakker uses preregistration and replication, among other things, to achieve this. Most of his confirmatory research is preregistered, he has published registered reports and conducted replication studies. His work has appeared in a wide range of journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics and the Journal of Communication. Within ASCoR he serves as an Open Science coordinator and in this role he facilitates and encourages the adoption of open science practices. 

Dr. Bert N. Bakker 
Associate professor
Amsterdam School of Communication Research
University of Amsterdam