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New face at IMC
New article by Simon M. Ceh, Janet Rafner, and Mathias Benedek published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
New article by Yaoli Mao, Janet Rafner, Yi Wang and Jacob Sherson published in Frontiers in Computer Science
New article by Anna Louise Skovgaard published in Tidsskrift for Forskning I Sygdom Og Samfund
Roberta Rocca is on of the authors of this recently published Nature Human Behaviour article
New article by C.E. Parsons, L. Tollånes, M. Cella, C.R. Hirsch and K.S. Young published in Behaviour Research and Therapy
New editorial by Iris van Rooij, Berna Devezer, Joshua Skewes, Sashank Varma & Todd Wareham published in Computational Brain & Behavior
New article by Iris van Rooij, Olivia Guest, Federico Adolfi, Ronald de Haan, Antonina Kolokolova & Patricia Rich published in Computational Brain &…
New article by, among others, Marie Louise Bønnelykke-Behrndtz, Mathias Clasen and Marc Malmdorf Andersen published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.…
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