Aarhus University Seal

Calculus of Culture Network Meeting

Info about event


Wednesday 4 October 2017, at 09:00 - Friday 6 October 2017, at 12:00


IMC Meeting Room, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, 1483-312


Kristoffer Nielbo

About the network:

Culture analytics is an emerging trans-disciplinary field that combines domain expertise from the humanities with computational and data-intensive methods in the study of big cultural data. As a nascent field, culture analytics have not developed formal descriptions of the fundamental properties of culture (i.e., a calculus of culture). Instead it relies on black box methods from machine learning, which are 'blind' to the mechanisms and principles the underlie cultural dynamics. Through a three-phase plan of action, we will develop a calculus of culture by combining data-driven humanities research with state-of-the-art models from complexity science and applied mathematics. Initially, we will describe fundamental problems for culture analytics with black box solutions by running data experiments on unstructured data from newspaper collections and social media. Subsequently, we will develop alternative approaches to these problems through a dynamic platform and initiate a curated data server for benchmarking new and existing solutions. Finally, we will propose a list of fundamental properties and processes of culture that makes it possible to map initial problems onto modeling techniques and tools from complexity science.  

  • Wednesday 4 October: Calculus of Culture #2
  • Thursday 5 October: Cultural Hackfest
  • Friday 6 October: Culture Analytics

Full program here


If you are interested please contact Kristoffer Nielbo kln@cas.au.dk