Aarhus University Seal

IMC Talk by Oana Vuculescu, Dept. of Management, AU

Micro-foundations of problem solving: what determines how individuals search

Info about event


Tuesday 9 February 2016,  at 11:00 - 13:00


IMC Meeting Room, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, Building 1483, 312


Anderas Roepstorff


This study contributes to the discussion on problem solving as search by focusing on how individuals search and what individual antecedents determine search behavior. So far the literature has mainly addressed the strategic distinction between exploration and exploitation on an organizational level, and has done less to disentangle individual level problem solving behaviors. Exploration is defined as going beyond local search, but how does an individual actually carry out meaningful distant search and what antecedents explain search behaviors? Relying on a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews we identify heterogeneous search behaviors and find evidence that individual cognitive styles and how players form and adapt internal representations can explain part of this heterogeneity.

More info: http://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/id(45ab819e-2d4e-4146-b4f4-e9e879117745).html