Aarhus University Seal

Call for Integrative Microtwinnings

Application deadline extended!

The project TRAINCREASE – From Social Interaction to Abstract Concepts and Words: Towards Human-Driven Technology Development facilitates collaboration amongst the partners of the project via “microtwinnings”. A microtwinning involves the collaboration of Early Stage Researchers on short projects related to the research area, supervised by the staff at 2 (or more) of the 4 institutions (Aarhus University, University of Warsaw, University of Manchester, and Sapienza University of Rome. This opportunity offers interdisciplinary collaboration on a very broad set of topics, and, if relevant, travel for Traincrease workshops and short visits.

This new call focuses on the integrative perspective of research on abstraction and abstract concepts. Emphasis will be given to projects that connect methodological and theoretical approaches in a meaningful manner. The call is open to approaches within the cognitive sciences, including experimental studies, (agent-based) simulations, model-based-approaches, but also other related disciplines, such as experimental semiotics, experimental psycholinguistics, microanalyses of interactions and computational methods.

Application deadline: Tuesday 15 November 2022.

Find further information here.

Questions? Feel free to contact AU project partners Kristian Tylén and Karsten Olsen.