Aarhus University Seal

Strategic Management Society Award to IMC Researchers

Oana Vuculescu and Carsten Bergenhotlz received the award for 2016 Best Research Doctoral Student or First Author.

The award was given for the best PhD-student paper (co-authored by max 1 senior) within the Behavioral Strategy interest group, at the Strategic Management Society conference in Berlin (17-20th September). The SMS conference is the biggest conference within Strategy, and the Behavioral Strategy interest group is one of their bigger fractions (out of maybe 10-15 interest groups). 

This is a link to the interest group: https://strategicmanagement.net/ig/behavioral_strategy.php

The Behavioral Strategy Interest Group promotes research that applies cognitive and social psychology to strategic management theory and practice


Associate Professor Carsten Bergenholtz, Dept. of Management cabe@mgmt.au.dk