Aarhus University Seal

Advanced Bayesian Statistical Modeling

Info about event


Monday 4 June 2018, at 09:00 - Thursday 7 June 2018, at 16:00


IMC Meeting Room, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, Building 1483-312




Course participants will learn about multilevel non-linear Bayesian modeling, and how it is applied to study social, linguistic and cognitive phenomena. Advanced Bayesian modeling overcomes many of the limitations of more traditional statistical tools, enabling to performed nuanced direct comparison between different theoretical models, to integrate theoretical evidence, model complex relationships between multiple predictors and outcomes, and to deal with low and incomplete evidence. Course participants will receive introductions to the computational bases of Bayesian modeling and get hands-on experience with it, relying on R, brms and Stan, widely used software packages for statistical modeling.

Dates: June 4-7 2018 (including June 5th!)


Time: 9-12 and 13-16

Teacher: Paul Buerkner

Organizer: Riccardo Fusaroli