Autumn School: Sensorimotor foundations of social cognition
Andreas Roepstorff and other interesting names at this autumn school on “Sensorimotor foundations of social cognition”, which will take place from October 11-17, 2015, at Boltenhagen, Germany

Info about event
Boltenhagen, Baltic Sea, Germany
Sensorimotor approaches predict that social cognition does not primarily result from maintaining and
running complex models of intentions and beliefs of other agents, but rather from patterns and
regularities in the dynamic sensorimotor coupling between them. The school will take stock of
concepts and models that follow this emerging view and illuminate them from the perspectives of
relevant fields like social psychology, social cognitive neuroscience, robotics and philosophy of mind.
Tangible outcomes of the school will be a set of articles on selected aspects of sensorimotor accounts
of social cognition which will be authored by the participants and published in Scholarpedia
The school will be the first in a series which is funded and organized by the EU H2020 project
"Socializing sensorimotor contingencies - socSMCs" ( This year the school is organized
by the Dept. of Neurophysiology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
The registration fee is 300€ and covers participation in the school, accommodation in a single room,
breakfast, lunch and three dinners. A reduced fee of 200€ is requested from participants willing to
share a double room. Participants will have to cover their own travel expenses.
The five-day school will be structured around the following themes:
• Enactive and embodied views on social cognition
• Non-reductionist, interaction-based approaches to social cognition
• Entrainment vs. emulation and mindreading
• Dynamical systems theory and social cognition
• Neural mechanisms of social interaction: toward a second-person neuroscience
• Mutual prediction and adaptation in social interaction
• Motor resonance during human-robot interaction
The school will comprise keynote lectures in the mornings and discussion groups in the afternoons
which serve for in-depth discussions of topics from the keynote lectures. Results from these
discussions will be summarized and structured in drafts for Scholarpedia articles.
Confirmed Speakers:
Luciano Fadiga, University of Ferrara and IIT Genua, Italy
Tom Froese, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico D.F.
Mattia Gallotti, University of London, UK
Peter E. Keller, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Christian Keysers, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam,
John A Michael, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Albert Newen, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Andreas Roepstorff, Aarhus University, The Netherlands
Giulio Sandini, IIT Genua, Italy
Cordula Vesper, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Kai Vogeley, University of Cologne, Germany
Date and location
The school will take place from Oct. 11-17, 2015, in Boltenhagen, a nice little beach resort at the
Baltic Sea and close to Hamburg (
Important dates:
- Application deadline: August 12, 2015
- Summer school: October 11—17, 2015
- Technical program: October 12—16, 2015
How to apply:
The school is open to PhD students and postdocs who are working on the themes addressed.
Interested participants shall submit written information on their scientific background, projects
involved, and motivation to attend. Admission will be on a competitive basis.
Applications should be sent via email to Please state on a single page
(11pt font):
- Your scientific background and degree
- Your motivation to come to this school
- The topic of your thesis (if appropriate)
- Any prior knowledge in the field
Further information:
The forerunner project "Extending sensorimotor contingencies to cognition - eSMCs" (2011-2014)
funded previous schools in this series like "The future of the embodied mind", held 2011 in San
Sebastián, Spain (, the "Barcelona cognition, brain and technology
summer school" in 2012 (, co-funded) and "Embodiment and Morphological
Computation", held at the University of Zurich in 2013 (
For further questions, please contact us: