"Becoming Stakeholder" : Jonathan Metzger
An IMC Tuesday seminar with assistant professor Jonathan Metzger from Department of Urban Planning and Environment at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Info about event
IMC Meeting room, building 1483-3, Nobelparken, 8000 Aarhus C, DK

The stakeholder concept has become one of the linchpins of much contemporary theory and practice in strategic spatial planning. In this preseentation I will draw upon the sociology of attachments and scholarship on subjectification to argue that the enactment of stakeholders in strategic planning processes can be gainfully understood as the production of stakeholder subjectivities by way of practices of ontological choreography which can generate territorial attachments and rearticulate existing attachments into a specifically territorial format. From this perspective, stakeholderness is never an ontologically pregiven property to be uncovered by diligent analysis. Rather, we might come to see that stakeholder subjectification is a process through which actors learn to be affected, and where these affections further come to be articulated as territorial attachments engendering, or at least prompting, a ‘caring for place’. Still, as relational effects, subjectivities are always potentially precarious achievements and it is important not to take for granted that the subjectivities enacted in a specific situation or setting will be easily transposable to other contexts.
Keywords: stakeholders, subjectification, strategic spatial planning, attachment, ontological choreography