CANCER AND COGNITION – the neuropsychology of CNS – and non-CNS cancer and cancer treatments – current state of the science
Guest lecture by Jeffrey S. Wefel, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept. of Neuro-Oncology, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Info about event
Aarhus University Hospital, Conference Room 3rd floor, Dept. of Oncology

Dr. Wefel is a board certified neuropsychologist, Associate Professor, and Neuropsychology Section Chief in the Department of Neuro-Oncology. He is a Founding and Steering Committee member of the International Cogni-tion and Cancer Task Force, and maintains an active consultation-liaison service where he conducts comprehensive neuropsychological assess-ments, presurgical fMRI of higher order cognitive function for neurosurgi-cal planning, and offers interventions to adult cancer patients suffering from the central nervous system effects of cancer, cancer treatment, or other illnesses. Dr. Wefel's research activities seek to characterize the prevalence, pattern, course, risks, and biologic and neural substrates for the development of neurocognitive dysfunction associated with cancer and cancer therapies.