Conflict in Games and Gaming
The second semi-annual Interacting Minds game/play seminar. Distinguished international guest and keynote on psychological effects of video games: Dr. Douglas Gentile, associate professor, Iowa State University.
Info about event
Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, building 1483, 3rd floor., 8000 C.
Conflict in games and gaming
Second semi-annual Interacting Minds game/play seminarApril 20-21st 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark, Interacting Minds Center
Distinguished international guest and keynote on psychological effects of video games
Dr. Douglas Gentile, associate professor, Iowa State University
---Antisocial and prosocial play---
Bo Kampmann Walther, Professor, Media Studies, University of Southern Denmark
Rikke Toft Nørgaard, Assistant Professor, CUDiM, Aarhus University
Griefing – sadistic fun at other players’ expense. A reprise talk by Teemo P. Aston
--- Gamergate – player identities and gender conflict ---
Lea Skewes, Ph.d. fellow, Interacting Minds Center
Mikkel Lodahl, Associate Professor, Dania Games Academy
--- Games as (re)solutions – disarming conflicts and building change with custom games ---
Ask Agger, CEO, Workz A/S
Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Aarhus University
Monday April 20th
--- 10.15 Arrival, coffee ---
10.30 Opening address, Why should we care about conflicts in games and gaming?
Andreas Lieberoth, post doc, Interacting Minds Center, AU.
11.00 The philosophy of game-play - Or how I singlehandedly saved emotions from the
Palestine conflict
Bo Kampmann Walther, professor, media studies, University of Southern Denmark
11.45: Mom, I shot dad!
Rikke Toft Nørgaard, assistant professor, CUDiM, Aarhus University
--- 12.30 LUNCH ---
13.30 Doing and un-doing gender through gamergate
Lea Skewes, Ph.d. fellow, Interacting Minds Center
14.15 Sub-Culture Wars: Navigating the Total War of #Gamergate
Mikkel Lodahl, Associate Professor, Dania Games
15.30 MMO’s Ruined Games For Me; or: How I learned to stop caring and love the
Teemo P. Ashton, Pixel.Tv.
Tuesday April 21st
10.00 Making friends with board games
Simon Andersen, Simon Says
11.00 Keynote
Prosocial vs Violent Video Games: They Both Win!
Douglas Gentile, associate professor, Iowa State University
--- 12.30 LUNCH ---
13.00 Gamifying International Politics - understanding the new conflict with Russia
through a war game
Ask Agger, CEO, Workz A/S
13.45 Negotiating professional roles and identities in India through a board game
Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Aarhus
14.45 Minds interacting (plenary discussion)
scoping interesting questions, methods and partnerships
--- 15.15 Wrapping up---