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The Evolution of Goodness, Empathy and Justice

IMC Lecture by Dr. Lee Alan Dugatkin, University of Louisville

Info about event


Friday 13 November 2015,  at 13:00 - 15:00


Nobel Auditorium, 1482-105


Lars Bach


We humans often display acts of kindness and generosity. As it turns out, nonhumans are also good to one another, sacrificing to help those around them.  But why?  Why do both humans and animals show such altruistic, self-sacrificial behavior? Scientists and philosophers have long pondered these questions.  In a fast-moving, action packed talk, I will bring us up to date on what we know and what we don’t know about the roots of goodness by focusing on both the fascinating history of this subject, which includes true stories that are the stuff of movies, and the latest, cutting edge research in the field of evolution and behavior, including my own work on altruism.

After the lecture there will be a small reception.

Dr. Lee Alan Dugatkin, Professor & Distinguished University Scholar, Department of Biology, University of Louisville