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Men´s right to paper abortion – a feminist perspective

Gendering in Research: Talk by Karen Sjørup, RUC

Info about event


Thursday 26 May 2016,  at 11:00 - 13:00


IMC Meeting Room, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, Building 1483-312



Currently it is being debated whether it should it be possible for men to evade obligations for a child which has been conceived in a casual relationship. What kind of consequences would it have for the single mother? What kind of consequences would it have for the child to not know who his/her biological father was? Who should cover the child support if the father is not part of the equation? Should the child be entitled to information about his/her father? Should the same rules apply as for the children of anonymous sperm donors?

As a sociologist and gender researcher Associate Professor Karen Sjørup has 40 years of experience, and will strive to open up debate on the complicated topic of men´s right to paper abortion

Associate Professor Karen Sjørup - RUC – Department of Social Science and Business


Dansk version

Juridisk abort til mænd - et feministiske perspektiv

Debatten kører jo i øjeblikket om, hvorvidt det skal være muligt for mænd at unddrage sig forpligtelser overfor et barn, som er blevet til ved et tilfældigt forhold. Hvad betyder det for kvinden i så tilfælde at blive enlig mor, uden at faderen er inde i billedet og for barnet ikke at vokse op uden sin biologiske far. Hvem skal betale for det manglende økonomiske bidrag fra faderen? Skal barnet kunne opsøge sin far? Skal dette tilfælde sidestilles med børn født med ukendt donor? Disse spørgsmål vil jeg forholde mig til som sociolog og kønsforsker gennem 40 år.


Karen Sjørup is an Associate Professor at RUC in the Department of Social Science and Business. She is an active participant in the public debate about gender equality, concerns like equal pay, the gender segregated workforce, paternity leave, or women in research and she has published extensively on these topics.

For further information

The Gendering in Research Network provides a platform for gender researchers and students at Aarhus University to discuss, collaborate, and exchange ideas. For further information about the Gendering in Research Network, please contact: