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"Pathways to Decisions in the Brain" + "Self-Other Processes in Social Cognition"

A double IMC-seminar with Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn (CFIN, AU) and Idalmis Santiesteban (Birkbeck, School of Psychological Sciences). Daniel will speak on "Pathways to Decisions in the Brain""Self-Other Processes in Social Cognition". Please notice that this extended IMC seminar beings at 10 am. Abstracts for both talks can be found below.

Info about event


Tuesday 9 December 2014,  at 10:00 - 12:30


IMC meeting room (312), Nobelparken building 1483-3, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C.


Interacting Minds Centre
Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn, Associated professor, AU (CFIN)
Idalmis Santiesteban, Postdoc, Birkbeck School of Psychological Sciences

Pathways to Decisions in the Brain

Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn, Aarhus University, CFIN

How do we learn from other people’s knowledge? When learning to make the best choice, does learning from considering the choices and expressions of other people recruit the same neural mechanisms as learning from our private experiences? Yes and no. Not every influence on our decision-making requires the same cognition and these different cognitions will recruit different networks. But at some point, the confluence of cognitions converge to influence our choice behavior.  I will discuss my recent work that uses a combination of computational modelling, behavioral testing and fMRI to tease apart different pathways of influence (social and non-social) on human choices. We can then have a rich discussion about the implications of the findings.


Self-Other Processes in Social Cognition

Idalmis Santiesteban, Birkbeck, School of Psychological Sciences

To develop and maintain the long-lasting social relationships crucial for our well-being, we must be able not only to connect or identify with others, but also to differentiate our own thoughts and feelings from those of our interaction partners. This process of ‘self-other distinction’ is important for a number of socio-cognitive abilities such as the control of imitation, visual perspective taking and theory of mind. My research investigates the extent to which mechanisms underlying self-other processes are shared across different social abilities. In this talk, I will present some of my recent findings from behavioural, cross-cultural and non-invasive brain stimulation studies attempting to address this research question