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Navigating Complexity: Lessons from Natural Systems for Augmenting Human Intelligence

IMC Tuesday Seminar: Talk by Aidan Barbieux, Independent Researcher and recent master's student at California Polytechnic University

Info about event


Tuesday 6 August 2024,  at 11:00 - 12:00


Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, building 1483, room 312 and online (https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/my/imcevent)


Interacting Minds Centre


As technology becomes more powerful we find ourselves managing increasingly complex systems. Designing rigid solutions in this domain is costly, inefficient, and brittle. However, many of our problems appear in natural systems, where robust solutions have developed. By adopting approaches developed by nature we may be able to better coordinate complex human systems such as economies, organizations, or individual research. Here I will present an example from my own career where concepts from the evolution of foraging behavior are applied to aid in reverse engineering, community development, and the navigation of complex information landscapes. Through this example I suggest the three lenses of (1) appropriate abstraction, (2) co-option of interfaces, and (3) system thinking to help approach complex problems.

About the speaker

Aidan Barbieux, Independent Researcher and recent master's student at California Polytechnic University 

Free of charge - All are welcome