Lived Realities of Solo Motherhood, Donor Conception and Medically Assisted Reproduction
Gendering in Research talk by Assistant Professor Tine Ravn, The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy
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In the presentation, Tine Ravn will present and discuss key findings from a study on solo motherhood and assisted reproduction presented in the forthcoming book “Lived Realities of Solo Motherhood, Donor Conception and Medically Assisted Reproduction” to be published by Emerald Publishing on September 30th. In the book, Tine explores the empirical manifestations of the paradoxical features of reproductive technologies and provides in-depth understandings of solo motherhood through assisted reproduction and by recognising the complex experiences and the lived realities of forming donor-conceived families.
The book offers insights into how single women “do” family, identity and kinship and how the choice to create life as a solo mother is continuously rationalized. It uncovers how established, societal cultural narratives are adopted, negotiated and transformed in the processes of decision-making and fertility treatment. The book draws on science and technology studies, feminist theory, kinship- and family studies and identity theory, and reveals how aspects of bio-genetic and social connections (nature-culture) take on varying meanings when kinship and familial relations - are created through assisted reproduction.
Through the lens of solo mother families, the book covers broader sociological questions including; how donor conception challenges existing and endemic kinship ideas and practices and what kinds of individual, social and legal responses have been prompted by advances within medically assisted reproduction.
Tine Ravn is Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, Department of Political Science, The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Denmark.
Her research areas include the social, legislative and ethical aspects of medically assisted reproduction (MAR), research integrity and research ethics, responsible research and innovation and public engagement with science and technology.
Find the book Lived Realities of Solo Motherhood, Donor Conception and Medically Assisted Reproduction here.
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