Aarhus University Seal

Massive Cultural Data

Seminar presented by DeIC, DAI (Digital Arts Initiative), AU Library and DigHumLab

Info about event


Friday 2 December 2016,  at 10:00 - 15:00


Statsbiblioteket, Meeting Room 1, Victor Albecks Vej 1, 8000 Aarhus C


Kristoffer Nielbo

Humans have always generated data, even the simplest environmental interaction leaves an imprint that can be qualitatively and quantitatively captured. The advent of information technology however have accelerated the data generating process greatly. More than 90 percent of all data generated through human history are, by some estimates, generated within the last 20 years and the pace continues to accelerate. Contrary to various the hyped and triumphalistic `big data' discourse, information cannot be read directly of data and the use of massive amounts of data requires careful planning, analysis, and interpretation. For humanities and arts, the big data/zettabyte era therefore presents a series of challenges: how does a new humanities data landscape look, are there emergent forms of data alienation, what is the role of culture and history in data analytics, and how can computer and data literacy be secured among students and faculty? To tackle these challenges, we have invited leading national researchers from the humanities and computer science, because we believe that in their solution lies the seeds for a new and reactualized humanities that can dene a human-centered data-driven society.

Register here

Contact: Kristoffer Nielbo