Aarhus University Seal

What do the experts know: An empirical investigation of adaptive search

Talk by Oana Vuculescu, Department of Management, AU

Info about event


Tuesday 28 April 2020,  at 11:00 - 13:00




Carsten Bergenholz



Using a novel dataset from the TopCoder platform we investigate solver’s search for solutions  as well as the role of expertise in shaping their problem solving process. We find that while some solvers on the platform do act according to the win-stay, lose-shift rule, skilled solvers are less likely to rely on this meta-heuristic, and that somewhat counter-intuitively experts make more smaller changes, that is, they change their solutions more often than non-experts, but when they do, they make smaller changes.

About the speaker

Oana Vuculescu, Assistant Professor
Department of Management

Online event

The event takes place on Zoom (join Meeting ID: 563 610 6271 or imcevent)

https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/my/imcevents (for employees at AU)