Workshop on "Cooperation and Co-operative Action" with Prof Charles Goodwin
This workshop opens up the topic of Cooperation as a pervasive feature of human sociality, and through empirical data we are going to discuss and consider aspects of current research on cooperative interaction.
Info about event
IMC Meeting Room. Building 1483, 3rd Floor

Cooperation and Co-operative Action Workshop
Prof. Goodwin, based at UCLA, is a key figure in research on language and interaction, including embodiment and the constitution of phenomena in the material world through discursive practices within the activities of specific scientific (archaeology, geology) and vernacular (girls playing hopscotch, the home of a man with severe aphasia) settings. He is well known for his contributions to the co-construction of meaning in human interaction including gesture and embodiment, emotion in situated activity, the social organization of visual perception, and the powerful meaning-making practices of a man left with a three word vocabulary after damage to the left hemisphere of his brain. His extensive research is carried out within diverse settings including family interactions, children playing, ethnography of science in archaeological and geological field sites, aphasia in discourse and more. His latest work is his upcoming book on Co-operative Action, tying together much of his iconic work through his long academic career.
In this workshop Prof. Charles Goodwin opens up the topic of Cooperation as a pervasive feature of human sociality, and through empirical data he invites us to discuss, redefine and reconsider aspects of current research on cooperative interaction.
Only limited spaces available. Please register here:
NB: The workshop is full and registration has been closed.
For other details. please contact Johanne Bjørndahl at semjsb[@]