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Panos Mitkidis from Interacting Minds Centre successfully defended his PhD dissertation "Coordination, Cooperation and Cohesion" at Aarhus University…
"Dialog as Interpersonal Synergy" is the title of the article recently published in New Ideas in Psychology by IMC researchers Riccardo Fusaroli,…
"Extreme Rituals Promote Prosociality" is the title of the article published in the August issue of Psychological Science. No less than five IMC…
What Makes Political Communication Strong? Voters in modern society are on a daily basis faced with a flow of messages from politicians and other…
Panos Mitkidis from Interacting Minds Centre recently debuted as a TEDx speaker in Athens.
"Panos" from Interacting Minds Centre will be defending his PhD dissertation within the study of religion at Aarhus University on October 22.
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