Aarhus University Seal

Babies: Their Wonderfull World

Christine Parsons participates in BBC documentary

The BBC documentary was sent on DR2 1st June - Link Babyernes vidunderlige verden

Christine Parsons appears from 1hn 7 mins on.

The programme showns how babies' brain change dramatically as they develop socially. The team put adults to the test to see how they are affected by a baby's cry. They rig the home of one-month-old Noah with cameras and watch to see how his parents react to his cries. Although they sleep through dogs barking and traffic noise, Noah's cry has them springing out of bed. In the baby lab, Dr Christine Parsons runs an experiment using the fairground game whackamole, to show how a baby's cry increases our reaction times, making us more efficient parents. It is because a baby's cry is like a biological alarm that taps straight into the amygdala in the brain - the fear response centre.   


Associate Professor Christine Parsons, Dept. of Clinical Medicine and IMC