Aarhus University Seal

Building a Mobile Eye Tracking Infrastructure in Denmark

Grant from the Carlsberg Foundation - Research Infrastructure

Professor Andreas Roepstorff has received a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to Building a Mobile Eye Tracking Infrastructure in Denmark.


We aim to build a mobile eye tracking infrastructure at the Interacting Minds Centre at Aarhus University. Modern mobile eye tracking allows researchers to collect data during real time social interactions, high activity endeavours such as sports or dance, and in ecological field settings with high degrees of freedom for research participants. 

The mobile eye tracking infrastructure will hugely benefit our ability to take laboratory studies on humans interaction, perception and cognition into the field.

The IMC is currently DK s largest network of researchers investigating social interaction, perception cognition and is an ideal base for stateof-the-art mobile eye tracking technology in Denmark.

Link to Carlsberg Foundation announcement



Andreas Roepstorff, Professor, Director
Interacting Minds Centre
School of Culture and Society