Christian T. Elbæk receives Nova grant from AUFF
Assistant Professor Christian T. Elbæk (Mgmt) has received a AUFF Nova grant of DKK 2.47 million for his research project, “Understanding (mis)perceptions of economic inequality as a way to reduce it”
Assistant Professor Christian T. Elbæk (Mgmt) has received a AUFF Nova grant of DKK 2.47 million for his research project, “Understanding (mis)perceptions of economic inequality as a way to reduce it”. In this project, Christian (PI) and the research team, including Professor Lene Aaroe (Pol.Sci.) and Professor Panos Mitkidis (Mgmt), will investigate how specific cognitive biases might hinder people’s understanding of economic inequality and contribute to resistance against wealth redistribution. Using these insights, Christian and the team will moreover explore how cognitive debiasing can help increase support for wealth redistribution, thereby reducing economic inequality – a result with substantial societal implications. The project will be seeking to hire a 3-year PostDoc at the Department of Management in 2024.