Cognitive Science education very popular among young people

The bachelor programme in Cognitive Science continues to be successful among prospective students in its 2nd year. This year 569 people applied for the programme through the Danish quota 1 system. Here, students are admitted on the basis of their secondary school grade average.
The programme admits 60 students per year, starting in September, and the large number of applicants meant that successful candidates needed a grade point average of 11.1 in the Danish grading system to be admitted. Twelve is the maximal possible grade. This requirement was the highest among any study at Aarhus University and ranked 10th in Denmark.
Cognitive Science at Aarhus University started in 2015. It is an interdisciplinary programme where students receive teaching in experimental approaches to the study of mind, including extensive courses in statistics, psychology, neuroscience and language. It is also an international programme with all courses taught in English.
The programme is based on the research environment around The Interacting Minds Centre (IMC), Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) and Center for Semiotics at Aarhus University.
For more information, see the study website: