Aarhus University Seal

Daina Crafa, Assistant Professor

New face at IMC

Daina Crafa is a new Assistant Professor at the Interacting Minds Centre (IMC). Originally from the U.S., she completed her Master's degrees in Germany and the U.K. (Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience, Universität Osnabrück; Transcultural Mental Health, Queen Mary University of London) and her Ph.D. in Canada (Neuroscience, McGill University).

Daina's research investigates how the social world shapes typical human behaviors, brain and (epi)genetic processes, and how these processes vary across cultural groups and among clinical populations. At the IMC, she will be studying social learning across cultures using various behavioral and neuroimaging techniques. She is particularly interested in individual differences attributable to social environment and context, life stage, and mental health status. She has previously studied healthy and patient populations in numerous countries, including Canada (Anglo and French populations), China, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Nepal, and the U.S. Many of her collaborators include anthropologists and philosophers who share her interests in mental health and human diversity.