Aarhus University Seal

Faustino Rizzo - Guest Researcher

New face at IMC

Faustino Rizzo

I am Faustino and I will spend the next three months at IMC to get a deeper insight in the methodology to work on subjective experience and on micro-phenomenology.

I have been studying Philosophy at the University of Bologna, where I got my MA in Philosophical Sciences with a thesis in "Theory of Law and Justice”. After that, I applied for a PhD program in "Reggio Childhood Studies" at UNIMORE and entered. The project is the result of a collaboration between the university and the Reggio Children Foundation. 

My doctoral research focuses on the protection and care of children and adolescents born in mafia families, the supervisors of this study being Prof. Paola Milani, Dr. Marcelle Padovani. My topics of interest are also vulnerability and ‘special rights’, the promotion and development of social justice, philosophy with children and the education to active citizenship.

I would like this experience to be an opportunity to discuss my interests with other researchers and explore new areas of interest.