HOPE - How Democracies Cope with Covid19: A Data-Driven Approach
New research project funded by the Carlsberg Foundation
How do democracies react and cope as the covid19 crisis unfolds and with what effects?
As a direct result of the spread of the Corona virus and the acute health crisis in Denmark and the rest of the world, the Carlsberg Foundation grants DKK 25 million to a new Semper Ardens project to investigate behavior in both the public space and on social media.
The HOPE project constitutes an unprecedented research project which examines the interrelationship between the (a) trajectory of the covid19, (b) the decisions of governments and international organisations, (c) media and social media landscapes and (d) citizens’ behavior and well-being. To this end, we utilize the fact that the covid19 pandemic is unfolding in the middle of the “big data” revolution. For the first time in human history, we are able to measure with extreme precision and time-resolution how governments and citizens react (and with what consequences) during an extremely severe crisis.
Principal Investigator is Michael Bang Petersen (Department og Political Science, AU). CO-PIs are Andreas Roepstorff (IMC, AU), Rebecca Adler-Nissen (Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen) and Sune Lehmann (Danish Technical University).
English Press release from the Carlsberg Foundation.
More info on project site Hope - How Democracies Cope with Covid19: A Data-Driven Approach