Interacting Minds Centre In the Spotlight
IMC took center stage when AU's Newsroom decided to make IMC the subject of a theme. Eight new articles about the centre and researchers was the result. These articles are now available in English. Read about them here.

Newsroom is the name of the "news hub" on Aarhus University's website. From time to time the Newsroom writers throw their combined efforts into a theme about a special topic. This summer Newsroom chose to focus on Interacting Minds Centre. The result is now available on in both Danish and English - eight articles in total covering recent research projects plus a portrait of IMC director Andreas Roepstorff. Naturally we at IMC are very pleased with this unexpected attention and wish to thank project coordinator Anja Kjærgaard from AU Kommunikation Arts and the other Newsroom writers for their keen interest and cooperation.