Guest professorship - Iris van Rooij
New face at IMC

The Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science, and Semiotics, together with the Interacting Minds Centre, are pleased to announce the commencement of a three-year guest professorship for Iris van Rooij. Prof. van Rooij is Professor of Computational Cognitive Science at Radboud University. She is a Principle Investigator at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, where she leads the Computational Cognitive Science research group. Prof. van Rooij will be spending one month per year in Aarhus over the next five years. She will be working on topics on theory in psychology and the cognitive sciences, and we will be working to build research and educational connections between the Aarhus and Radboud cognitive science environments. We are very lucky to have Prof. van Rooij with us virtually for the month of February 2022, and anybody wishing to meet with her should contact Head of LICS Joshua Skewes (