Aarhus University Seal

Ismail Senoz, Visiting PhD Student

New face at IMC

Ismail is a visiting PhD student from BIASlab of Eindhoven University of Technology. Ismail has BSc degrees in both Mathematics and Electronics Engineering from Koc University in Istanbul.

His MSc has focus on using Gaussian Processes to generate natural audio textures for signal processing purposes. After MSc he got more interested in machine learning for signal processing and consequently his PhD work is on automating approximate inference in hierarchical Bayesian systems.

The Hierarchical Gaussian Filter developed by Chris Mathys is an example for these systems and Ismail worked out message passing algorithms that allows online parameter estimation in the HGF. He is particularly interested in variational approaches to approximate inference as well as deriving message passing algorithms from the first principles. 


Ismail Senoz, MSc
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems
Department of Electrical Engineering, Bayesian Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab