Aarhus University Seal

Jannik Wiggers, Intern

New face at IMC

My name is Jannik, I am 24 years of age and I am currently in the second year of my MA in Cognitive Semiotics at AU.

I have a BA in English with a minor in Cognitive Semiotics and could not resist pursuing a more researchdriven MA afterwards. Hence, I chose as part of my 3rd semester of the Cognition and Semiotics MA to leave the safe haven of attending classes and venture out into deep waters with a research internship working with Christine Parsons at the IMC.

I will be at the IMC until the first week of December and primarily work on data analysis, acquiring and using skills in statistics. During this internship I hope to gain a basic understanding of statistics, how they are applied in psychological papers and how to use them as this would provide a great groundwork for my thesis.

Throughout my higher education I have continuously been exposed to classes on human interaction and found a liking in exploring specific aspects of social interaction, more specifically how the human emotional life is connected to social interaction and how those two influence each other.

I am looking forward to dive into statistics and meet all of you guys!

Contact info:

Jannik Wiggers

Email: wiggers.jannik@gmail.com

Twitter: @WiggersJannik