Aarhus University Seal

Looking for an intern to work on your project in 2021?

Students from AU's MA programs in Cognitive Semiotics and Linguistics and the MSc.IT program in Cognitive Science are available to work for 3-4 months in unpaid positions as part of their 2021 Project Placement course. If you are interested in having one or more interns or RAs in Summer or Fall 2020please fill out this form with details about your project. If a qualified student is found, you will be sent their CV and contact information.

Also, to help us to find a wide variety of work opportunities for our talented students, please share this call widely with your colleagues and friends!  Internships can be in academia, the public sector, or industry, and can be based in Denmark or abroad. 

Please express your interest by March 31, 2021. 

Questions? Contact Rebekah Baglini (rbkh@cc.au.dk)