Aarhus University Seal

Heather Anne Swanson

Meet the Director of CEH

Photo by Sonia Levy

Heather Anne Swanson is the current director of the AU Centre for Environmental Humanities. An associate professor of anthropology, Swanson has long-standing interdisciplinary interests in fish and aquatic worlds. Her current projects include an art-science-humanities collaboration on British canal-scapes (http://www.sonialevy.net/cotl.html), a forthcoming monograph on salmon in Japan (Spawning Modern Fish: Transnational Comparison in the Making of Japanese Salmon, University of Washington Press, 2022), and “Global Trout,” a team-based initiative on transnational fish transplantation efforts and their effects (https://www.sv.uio.no/sai/english/research/projects/global-trout/index.html). She joined AU in 2013 as a member of the Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene project, and since that time, she has also become increasingly curious about the ecological arrangements that have emerged within Danish environmental histories.

AU Centre for Environmental Humanities (CEH) fosters innovative transdisciplinary scholarship that takes both the humanities and ecology seriously. To facilitate knowledge exchange, project ideas, talent development, and teaching, it organizes diverse activities, including seminars, conferences, PhD courses, and outings. As it grapples with mounting ecological damage, CEH is committed to experimenting with new scholarly practices, thinking across temporal scales, and engaging in collaborations with researchers and practitioners in countries disproportionally affected by environmental issues. For more info, see the CEH website and sign up for its newsletter: https://ceh.au.dk. CEH is also one of the partners in the DFF Network on Global Justice and the Environmental Humanities (ehjustice.au.dk), which facilitates conversations among academics, environmental activists, and civil society groups.

Heather Anne Swanson coordinates CEH together with the CEH Steering Committee, composed of:

Peter Mortensen, IKK, English
Henrik Bødker, IKK, Media Studies
Mette Løvschal, IKS, Archaeology
Georg Fischer, IKS, Global Studies
Sally Anderson, DPU, Educational Anthropology
Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, DPU, Education Studies