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ERC Starting Grants to two IMC researchers

Francesca Fardo and Micah G. Allen receive grants from The European Research Council

The burn that wasn't there: Investigating Illusions of Pain

Associate Professor Francesca Fardo from Aarhus University receives DKK 11 million from the European Research Council for the research project "Illusions in the thermonociceptive system" on the computational neuroscience of illusory pain. Her goal is to understand what happens in our brain and spinal cord when we experience pain that does not have an obvious cause.  

Link to more info.


Modelling the influence of Cannabinoids on the Embodied Mind

Little is known about how the active ingredients in cannabis influence the interaction between brain and body. With an ERC grant of DKK 11 million, Micah G. Allen will address foundational questions about how cannabinoids influence our minds and bodies to improve future therapeutic use of the compounds.  

Read more about the project here.


About the ERC Starting Grants

The ERC grant is awarded by the European Research Council to support talented early-career scientists with a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal. ERC grantees have already produced excellent supervised work, and are ready to work independently and show potential to become a research leader.

More about the 2020 ERC recipients: https://erc.europa.eu/news/StG-recipients-2020