New Gender Network at Interacting Minds Centre
Gendering in Research (GiR) is the name of a new network for researchers and students interested in gender initiated by Lea Skewes and Emma von Essen.

Gender Events at Interacting Minds Centre
- We are very proud to announce that the gendering network; Gendering in Research (GiR) is now official! Psychologist Lea Skewes & Economist Emma von Essen are now offering a platform for researchers and students interested in gender. We will meet once a month for a one-hour gender focused talk, and for those interested in continuing the discussion or networking, we will serve sandwiches afterward.
- Place: Interacting Minds Centre, building 1483, 3 floor, room 312 (meeting room).
- Time: The last Thursday of every month from 11-13
- We would greatly appreciate it if you would pass this invite along to other gender researchers or students interested in gender.
- We hope to see you when we start off The Gendering in Research network Thursday the 28th of May with Mathias Wullum Nielsen from the Department of Political Science - The School of Business and Social Sciences. The title of the talk will be; “New and Persistent Gender Equality Challenges in Academia”. Mathias Wullum Nielsen is a researcher at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. Over the course of the last three years, Mathias has worked intensively with the question of gender stratification in Danish academia, and he recently turned in his thesis under the title “New and Persistent Gender Equality Challenges in Academia”. In his presentation, Mathias will focus on the question of how gender relations are reconstituted in a rapidly changing academic context characterized by increasing demands for international competitiveness, innovation, flexibility and accountability. Moreover, he will address some of the structural barriers and cumulative disadvantages slowing women researcher’s advancement in the academy.
- Contact person: Lea Skewes <>
- The IMC lecture by Psychologist Patrizia Romito "A Deafening Silence - How society conceals violence against women" has a new commentator;
- Robin May Schott, who is a Senior Researcher at DIIS with focus on Peace, Risk and Violence, will be taking Sine Plambech´s place. Schott will contextualize Romito´s talk within the Danish discourse around the EU report made by The European Union Agency For Fundamental Rights about violence against women (link:
- Robin May Schott & Inge Henningsen have contributed to the debate around the report in Jyllands-Posten´s debate section with the title: “Violence against Women – Where is Denmark compared to Europe?” (The Danish title: “Vold mod kvinder – Hvor er Danmark i Europa?”). Here they summarize some of the shocking facts from the study: “In Denmark 11% of all women reported to have be exposed to violence within the last 12 months, and 55% had been exposed to violence after they turned 15 years old. Overall Denmark received high scores regarding different forms of violence against women, as did countries like Sweden, Finland, France and Holland.” They continue to comment on the possible cause of this high level of violence against women in Denmark: “One could ask oneself if there are specific characteristics in Danish society which contribute to violence against women – like women´s high rate of participation in the workforce. The report shows that women in the workforce to a higher extent than others are exposed to sexual harassment (around 60% have experienced sexual harassment), and the percentages are even higher for university educated women (69%) and women in leadership positions (75%). These numbers reflect a work culture with a high degree of male dominance, a sexualized environment, and a tolerance of sexual harassment in the workplace” (translation by Lea Skewes, Jyllands-Posten´s debat, the 20th of June 2014).
- For further information on the event the 29th of May see:
- Place: Interacting Minds Centre building 1483, 3 floor, room 312 (meeting room)
- Time: The 29th of May at 13-15
Contact person: Lea Skewes <>
If you were unable to attend the Gendering workshop the 16th of March, or just would like to go over part of it again, the video´s of biology Professor Anne Faust-Sterling and economy Professor Julie Nelson are now available on the IMC video webpage.