Aarhus University Seal

Patient-driven digital data sharing as a tool for facilitating coherence and collaboration in cross-sectoral patient pathways

New grant to PI Camilla Rossen, co-PI Mette Terp Høybye and team from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Camilla Rossen and Mette Terp Høybye received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation in support of research in coherent courses of treatment.

About the project

Coherent cross-sectoral care pathways is often challenged by a healthcare system organised with sharp boundaries within and between sectors and professions. This leads to fragmented care pathways, leaving patients feeling powerless and frustrated with the lack of continuity in care and frustrated by the insecurity in terms of who holds the responsibility for their treatment. The increased digitalisation of the healthcare system has not improved the situation. We will overcome this described challenges using a newly developed digital solution, BackTraceDigital, which shares relevant data. Through BackTraceDigital health data is collected in the different IT-systems of health care providers and made available for the patient, their relevant and care providers. The information is made easily available for the patients through an app and through the professionals existing IT-systems.

The aim of this project is to explore how the implementation of BackTrace Digital affects the patients' experience of coherence in their cross sectoral care pathway. Through the project, we will explore how patients perceive the patient-professional collaboration and shared decision making while using BackTrace Digital. This is done using a mixed methods design, combining ethnographic methods with quantitative survey data.

The project is part of the developments in BackTrace Digital, a research programme at Silkeborg Regional Hospital and affiliated with Interacting Minds Centre, Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University.


Camilla Rossen, PhD, PI
Department of Clinical Medicine
Silkeborg Regional Hospital 

Mette Terp Høybye, Associate Professor, co-PI
Department of Clinical Medicine - Interacting Minds Centre
Silkeborg Regional Hospital