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Ready to CONNECT: Conversation and Language in Autistic Teens

Ethan Weed and Riccardo Fusaroli have received a NIH-NIDCD grant

Logo from the project "Ready to CONNECT: Conversation and Language in Autistic Teens"

Ethan Weed and Riccardo Fusaroli have received a NIH-NIDCD grant: “Ready to CONNECT: Conversation and Language in Autistic Teens” in a collaboration with Inge-Marie Eigsti (University of Connecticut), Ruth Grossman (Emerson College), and Julia Parish-Morris (University of Pennsylvania and Children Hospital of Philadelphia). The project will investigate what makes for a good conversation in conversations involving autistic and neurotypical teens. Riccardo and Ethan will be responsible for the statistical and computational modeling of conversational behaviors and their relation to measures of conversational quality and traditional standard language tests. The project builds on previous Interacting Minds based (and seeded) projects on understanding interpersonal coordination in conversations.