Aarhus University Seal

Research on Risk Communication and Stories (RORCAS)

Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Brandi S. Morris, and Andreas Roepstorff receive funding in the latest DFF1 Green Transition call

Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Brandi S. Morris, and Andreas Roepstorff receive 2.820.754 in funding from DFF in the latest Green Transition call for the DFF1 project, RORCAS (Research on Risk Communication and Stories.) 
More about the project

Although there is a vast literature in the humanities and arts discussing the rhetorical use of stories and growing interest in how they might function as forms of evidence, little is known about how narrative structure and identification influence the formation of emotion, risk perception, and efficacy in the face of threats. In a cross-disciplinary collaboration with scientific- and public sector partners, the project will build on Brandi’s Phd work, making a significant scientific contribution by synthesizing currently disconnected streams of research in psychology, neuroscience, narratology, communication, education, and using the wicked problem of climate change as a case. In the project, we will conduct lab-, digital, and field studies, triangulating objective measures of neural activity with behavior and self-report to better understand the mechanisms of engagement with risk communication.

Read the official DFF announcement here.