Aarhus University Seal

Samouil Litsis Mizan, Intern

New face at IMC

My name is Sam, I am 26 years of age and I am here at the IMC to do a 3-month internship as a research assistant with Christine Parsons on the project “how do parents understand and respond to infant signalling (especially crying)?”.

I am currently studying for a MA in Linguistics at Aarhus University and I am about to start my 3rd semester. I decided to do this internship, as it will provide me with a great opportunity to gain experience and acquire important research skills, such as writing a systematic review and a meta-analysis.

I am deeply interested in topics of children’s linguistic and cognitive development, as well as social interaction. Therefore, this project is very close to my interests and will give me the chance to delve into children’s early stages of development and their ways of communication, before starting to produce language.

I am looking forward to meeting you all and sharing experiences with people from different disciplines!


Contact info:

Samouil Litsis Mizan

Email: samlitsis@gmail.com