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Stevens @IMC

In September IMC is visited by Professor Reed Stevens, Northwestern University

Reed Stevens' research examines and compares cognitive activity in a range of settings including classrooms, workplaces, and science museums. On the basis of this comparative work, he is exploring new ways to conceptualize cognition and organize learning environments. Dr. Stevens' specific interests include how mathematical activity contributes to various settings and how technology mediates thinking and learning. His multidisciplinary research draws on cognitive science, interactionist traditions, and the social studies of science and technology.

To understand learners' naturally occurring activities, Dr. Stevens collects audio-video records of people working and analyzes them with a variety of methods adapted from cognitive science, science studies, and ethnomethodology/conversation analysis, in addition to long-term ethnographic fieldwork and interviewing. He also designs curriculum, activities, and technologies, including Video Traces software that allows people to collect digital video clips and annotate them with talk or gestures.  

During the stay Reed Stevens will give a talk and instruct a one day course at IMC:

Tuesday 25th September

The Social Lives of Children: Insights from Video Ethnographic Studies of Preschool Children’s Learning across Home and Preschool

Talk by Reed Stevens, Northwestern University  


Wednesday 26th September

Interaction Analysis: A One day course

Instructor: Visiting Professor Reed Stevens, Learning Sciences, Northwestern University  

Contact: Professor Reed Stevens, Northwestern University