Aarhus University Seal

Tænkepause: Søvn

Christine Parsons has contributed to the book series "Tænkepauser" and written about Sleep

Ever had your sleep disturbed by an inconsiderate neighbour or some building work? Then you will recognise the immediate misery of sleep deprivation. But sleep well, and you wake ready to face the world. We devote so much of our lives to sleep, it's worth understanding its importance. 

Christine Parsons is a research psychologist at the Interacting Minds Center, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University. Her research explores psychological health and social interactions, both of which are impacted - for better or worse - by our sleep. 

The book is in Danish and has been published by Aarhus University Press - find it here.


Christine Parsons, Associate Professor

Dept. of Clinical Medicine and IMC