Aarhus University Seal

PLAYTrack Seed funding programme

Seed funding is an integral part of the PLAYTrack project at the Interacting Minds Centre (IMC), Aarhus University.

  • The aim of PLAYTrack seeds is to explore tools and methods for documenting, evaluating and measuring play and learning experiences
  • Seeds allow to explore new fields, questions and collaborations.
  • Seeds are sown to grow, that is, projects should be fast and feasible.
  • In general, funding cannot be moved from one year to the next, use it or loose it.

Key factors in the evaluation are:

  1. Alignment with aim of PLAYTrack seeds: Develop tools and methods for documenting, evaluating and measuring play and learning experiences.
  2. Research idea: is this novel, interesting and feasible?
  3. Network building: does this enable new connections, within university and/or with practitioners?     
  4. Talent development: can this bring the applicant forward?
  5. Synergy: does this explore new possibilities in the research network, the disciplines, the world?
  6. Growth potential: what could grow from this seed: applications, collaborations, publications etc.
  7. Project period is January 1st to December 31st 2020.

Eligibility / Who can apply: the main applicant must be affiliated with Aarhus University.

Project size: For the first round of applications, Spring 2016, there are two sizes of projects, up to 30.000 DKK and up to 100.000 DKK. It is not an advantage that applications hit the full amount, unless motivated by the logic of the project.

Expenses covered: we can cover almost any type of expenses relevant to a research project, excluding the salary of the main applicant. In the budget form, provide a few words detailing the expenses.

Application procedure: write a small application, approx. 1 page plus appendices a budget, using the template provided. Submit it to Anne-Mette Pedersen (annemette@cas.au.dk). Applications will be evaluated continuously.

Report: You are required to provide info for the PLAYTrack website to open the grant and write a small report at the end of the project (max 1 page).

Further questions: get in touch with Anne-Mette (annemette@cas.au.dk) or Andreas (andreas.roepstorff@cas.au.dk).