Aarhus University Seal

Friday Writing Café

Everyone is welcome to join Friday’s Writing Café, 10.00-14.00! An open, self-organized space for doing concentrated writing

Info about event


Friday 10 May 2024,  at 10:00 - 14:00


AU Nobelparken, building 1483, room 312


Interacting Minds Centre
Photo of people with coffee and laptops around a meeting table

Everyone is welcome to join Friday’s Writing Café! It is a completely open, self-organized space for doing some concentrated writing on an article, grant proposal etc., facilitated by the simple workings of peer pressure. Recommended rules include no emailing, no surfing, and no teaching prep, just writing. This is our time to engage with our research and be creative.

You can join the Writing Café every week or just sometimes, be there for the whole time or just a part - you choose yourself what works best for you!

Snacks will be available in case of writing-induced sugar cravings.

If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact Kristian Týlen, kristian@cc.au.dk