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Renatas Berniunas has contributed with a book chapter in the recently published "Cognition In and Out of the Mind: Advances in Cultural Model Theory"
New face at IMC
What is applause? Interview with Niels Christian Hansen about his research and new Sapere Aude grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (in…
Congratulations to Niels Christian Hansen for receiving a Sapere Aude grant for his project "Collective Applause in the Symphonic ConcertHall (CLAPS)"
New article by Simon Tobias Karg, Christian Truelsen Elbæk and Panagiotis Mitkidis published in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
In the last episode of this season we will discuss how religion, devotion and love can be intertwined. Postdoctoral Fellow Renée L. Ford shares her…
Essay by Marc Malmdorf Andersen and Mathias Clasen published in the New York Times
Congratulations to IMC director Christine Parsons who as of June 1st, 2024, was appointed full professor of translational psychological science
Niels Christian Hansen among the authors of new article published in Science Advances
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