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Izzy Wisher and Kristian Tylén from the eSYMb project guides us through cave art, early human behavior, meaning making and what can we find looking…
Cordula Vesper, associate professor in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Semiotics at Aarhus University, shares her expertise in is joint action,…
Application deadline 17 June 2024
In this episode we will discuss what role music played in peoples lives during COVID19 pandemic. The co-founder of MUSICOVID, Niels Christian Hansen…
The Interacting Minds Centre (IMC) is launching a postdoctoral training programme for researchers interested in interdisciplinary research
Blog post by Christine Parsons
Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit, head of science-technology innovation & entrepreneurship for both the natural and technical science faculty at Aarhus…
Lea Skewes talks about her research on gender discrimination in academia. On the backdrop of the VIVE study, her research will shed light onto some…
Portraits of Research hosted by Kirsi Tilk
New article by Roberta Rocca, Katharina Lawall, Manos Tsakiris and Laura Cram published in Journal of Computational Social Science
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