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These days the IMC is celebrating ten years of cooperation with Chris and Uta Frith and five years as Research Centre at AU. See the interview with…
Project: High precision magnetoencephalography of pain and temperature-related brain signals
IMC forsker Andreas Lieberoth, der forsker i spilpsykologi, forklarer hvorfor spillet er blevet så populært blandt både børn og voksne
Blurred boundaries. Intersubjectivity and differentation (BBID)
IMC is collaborating with researchers in Finland
Project description:
Our current…
In connection with the annual celebration 9 September 2016, Aarhus University confers four honorary doctorates on researchers from other institutions…
The seminar series Experimental Research in Social Science hosts speakers who apply experimental methods to study questions relevant to economics, man…
IMC Board member Professor Armin W. Geertz has been appointed Jens Christian Skou Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS from 1 February…
IMC Researcher Panagiotis Mitkidis has been appointed Associate Professor in Behavioral Economics at Dept. of Management, Aarhus BSS from 1 October…
IMC-forsker, Mette Løvschal er blev interviewet til Politikens Kultursektion 30. august 2016.
Er vi danskere bange for ruiner?
IMC seed grant funds project on Alaska Native inter-group cooperation
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