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IMC seed grant funds project on Alaska Native inter-group cooperation
Uddannelsen hedder Cognitive Science og har taget AU’s kommende studerende med storm. Artikel fra univ ersitetsavisen Omnibus
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The bachelor programme in Cognitive Science continues to be successful among prospective students in its 2nd year. This year 569 people applied for…
John McGraw very unexpectedly died last week. He had only complained about slight dizziness and unease, before he quietly passed away at his desk at…
Blog by Dimitris Xygalatas, IMC and University of Connecticut
The workshop aims to develop research skills by equipping scientists with fundamental computing skills that play an ever-increasing role in the life…
In 2012, The Interacting Minds Centre was established at Aarhus University as part of a strategic initiative to foster interdisciplinary and…
Apocalypse then? -The Laacher See volcanic eruption (13,000 years before present), Deep Environmental History and Europe’s geo-cultural heritage
A new model developed by researchers at Aarhus University predicts that networks can only support cooperation if they are big enough to do so.
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