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New publication in Communicative & Integrative Biology by IMC researcher Dimitris Xygalatas and colleagues
"Expecting Ourselves – Embodied Prediction and the Construction of Conscious Experience"
The article "Inferring Causality from Noisy Time Series Data" was…
Mette Steenberg projektleder for nyt kultur- og sundhedstilbud for grupper af sårbare borgere: ”Tid til Læsning” - Læsegrupper baseret på Guidet…
Creativity, engagement and lifelong learning are three key focal points for PLAYTrack, a new research project at the Interacting Minds Centre at…
Kronik i Politiken 19.04.16 - skrevet af Kirsten Drotner, SDU og Andreas Roepstorff, IMC
New article published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Forskere fra bl.a. IMC har i det ansete tidsskrift Nature publiceret resultater fra et nyt studie
The Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University is currently seeking a full-time research associate to join our team to plan and conduct…
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