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Mette Løvschal receives Sapere Aude Research Talent grant

Grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research

(photo: Lars Pallesen)

As supplement to a DFF-Individual Postdoctoral grant Mette Løvschal has been awarded the Sapere Aude Research Talent grant of 500.000 kr. to her project "Tid og kausalitet – komplekse, tidslige dynamikker i landskabets forandring (2.-1. årt. f.Kr.)" for (further) international activities.

Press release from The School of Culture and Society.

See previous news about the postdoctoral grant

Read more about the Sapere Aude Programme here and see all full list of receivers here.

For further information, please contact:

Assistant Professor Mette LøvschalSchool of Culture and Society - Prehistoric Archaeology and IMC