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The Friths are to receive the prestigious award in Paris at the Conférences Jean Nicod 2014 on the 12th of November. But first they're coming to…
IMC researchers Riccardo Fusaroli and Kristian Tylén co-authors new article about joint epistemic actions in creative problem solving in "Journal of…
Kristian Tylén and Riccardo Fusaroli co-authors of new article published in Frontiers in Psychology
New article by IMC researchers Riccardo Fusaroli, Sebastian Wallot and Ivana Konvalinka published in "Springer Proceedings in Mathematics &…
Did you miss out on that great IMC seminar, lecture or workshop with that not-to-miss speaker? Maybe you're in luck. IMC just published a handful of…
Cognition and Behavior Lab welcomes everybody who is interested in behavioral research to the first researchers’ meeting hosted by the lab on Friday…
German psychiatrist, Dr. med. Katja Kölkebeck from University of Münster is giving a talk about her fMRI research in social cognition in schizophrenia…
A new study settles an important question about how social understanding is performed in the brain. The findings may help us to attain a better…
The conference Robo-Philosophy—Social Robotics and the Future of Social Relations will address philosophical issues that arise with the design and use…
A total of DKK 240.000 has been granted by NOS-HS to Mette Steenberg's research project on literary reading. The funding goes towards a project which…
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