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Today's winner of Aarhus University's Phd award, Mette Løvschal is featured in a new video where she talks about her work "Lines in the Landscape -…
Archeologist and associated IMC researcher Mette Løvschal has been awarded Aarhus University Research Foundation's Phd prize for her Phd "Lines in the…
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to join the new Center for Music In the Brain (MIB) investigating neurobiological foundations of…
Applications are invited for PhD positions to join the new Center for Music In the Brain (MIB) investigating neurobiological foundations of music at…
This course will provide essential insights into central themes within the philosophy of mind, viewed from a phenomenological perspective. Postdocs…
Gendering in Research (GiR) is the name of a new network for researchers and students interested in gender initiated by Lea Skewes and Emma von Essen.
IMC is getting its own movie club. The first movie event will be on Thursday afternoon when Katrin Heimann shows "The Five Obstacles" by Jørgen Leth…
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience, beginning Fall…
The field of genetic testing is on the rise globally and so is an interest in understanding this new genetic knowledge as it unfolds in the frame of…
Des Fitzgerald has interviewed IMC Director Andreas Roepstorff for this piece featured in Somatosphere. The article is part of the series: The…
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